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What is this Project?

The Purpose:

The overall purpose of this project is to experiment with non-standard control mechanisms and the coding hurdles that come with them. Once the programming is done with the project, I intend to make a digital UI and font style to feature more skills that I learned through my time in ATEC.

Project Inspiration

A year or so ago when I was taking scripting, I encountered this tutorial over implementing voice controls in unity.  This video led to the idea for this project. The idea to make a scoreboard just mostly comes from how much I played Table Tennis with my family.


using the official rules of Table Tennis for how the duration of the game is along with when the servers alternate. The scoreboard will keep track of when to do the server changes and when game point is about to happen.

This Rule set is the one I will use for the board.


The feedback I am looking for when it comes to my project is:
1.)  The coding structure(ill post images of my script)

2.)  Ui Layout(pre re-design)

3.)  Questions on how the controls are coming. (Ill post videos of progress)


Any feedback would be great to have! I miss things a lot and a fresh set of eyes can really help out.

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