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Initial Programming Alpha run

This video shows everything I implemented for the alpha. (Volume warning because I did not check the sound after recording) This shows a feature of how the board works with voice controls. any time the game didn't respond was mostly due to window inactivity of unity.

Features Implemented:

  • Voice Controls(Debug controls were skipped mostly to just find out how to implement voice)

  • Game Point / Win states.

  • Deuce(this is a separate thing mostly due to how it had to work since if both players are at 10 points, the server changes every point and the conditions to win change slightly.)

Major Breakthroughs

9/8 Basic Ui setup: I started laying out the Ui for the game.


9/17 finished programming the Red and Blue Score scripts


10/2 After looking over the rules and deciding what is best to lay out, I finished the TtRules script that makes the game flow properly.


10/6 Voice controls fully implemented commands are "Red Point" "Blue Point" and "Reset Game" so far.


10/8 Interactions between scripts and Alpha complete.

Issues that need fixing

In the build when you reset the game, errors pop up from the voice keywords trying to set themselves again.


the player UI elements aren't anchored properly and compress in the middle of the game scene. (Still works visibly, but it needs to be fixed.)


When it comes to feedback: I mostly am just curious of if I should show my code, what you all think I should do for a start screen, any other smaller comments, I'm not looking for design oriented comments yet because this is the bare skeleton of the project so far.

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